
NNSW Adventist Education

Term Dates

The general term dates for NNSW early learning and schools reflect the NSW state gazetted holiday dates.

Please note that each ELC and school will have a local refinement of these dates. NNSW ELC’s and schools do take a three week mid-year break each year to facilitate a week of focused Professional Development for staff.

Term 1

30 January to

7 April

Term 2

24 April to

30 June

Term 3

24 July to

*22 September

Term 4

9 October to

*8 December

* Dates will vary from school to school.  Please check the individual school website calendar

General Information


Child Safe Standards

Seventh-day Adventist Schools NSW have made child safety a priority in its response to the new Child Safe Standards.

Adventist Schools

Our schools welcome students from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. While students are not required to attend church, students and their families are most welcome to worship with their local Adventist church at any time. Students have the option of joining a bible study group that is run by the school.

Adventist Schools

Our schools welcome students from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. While students are not required to attend church, students and their families are most welcome to worship with their local Adventist church at any time. Students have the option of joining a bible study group that is run by the school.