Video Archive

This video archive is a ready reference, a snapshot, of the vision, the mission and the impact of NNSW Education. Spread across a series of 5 videos per site, the viewer can gain a sense of what makes not only NNSW education ‘tick’, but what each school and early learning centre looks and feels like to those who know it best.

Who we are: a NNSW Adventist Education overview

Series One - Completed

Puts each school in the context of ‘the BRIDGE’ metaphor.

Series Two - Nearing Completion

Shows the impact of authentic faith made real in education.

Series Three - Soon to commence

A snapshot of the learning journey through a 21st century lens.

Series Four - Yet to commence

A glimpse into community impact made real.

Series Five - Yet to commence

This final series is a reflection on the graduates and their ‘what next’.

Adventist School

Our schools welcome students from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. While students are not required to attend church, students and their families are most welcome to worship with their local Adventist church at any time. Students have the option of joining a bible study group that is run by the school.

The Bridge

A bridge, something that connects, something that makes the seemingly impossible into something achievable, direct and in fact very possible. Our schools act as bridges for the hundreds of families that are choosing to join our growing community.