Primary Education
NNSW Adventist Education
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Our schools & early learning centres welcome students from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. While students are not required to attend church, students and their families are most welcome to worship with their local Adventist church at any time. Students have the option of joining a bible study group that is run by the school.
Our schools & early learning centres are registered and accredited by the NSW Board of Studies, the body that regulates all independent schools in NSW and prescribes the NSW Curriculum guidelines and outcomes.
Our schools consist of two early learning centres, four primary schools and six K-12 schools. We are a member of Adventist Schools Australia (ASA) as well as the Association of Independent Schools (AIS) of NSW, and we provide education to more than three and a half thousand students.
Avondale School
Avondale School is a Christian school, built firmly on strong values. We provide our students with the opportunity to know Jesus and choose to follow Him.
Early Learning Centre + Pre-Kindy - Year 12
Blue Hills College
Our rural campus, situated on the edge of the Alstonville Plateau on the Lismore district, offers increased opportunities by providing relevant learning environments for students.
Pre-Kindy - Year 12
Central Coast Adventist School
Central Coast Adventist School is founded on our belief in a loving God, and our desire to provide each child with the opportunity to experience what it means to live abundantly with Jesus.
Pre-Kindy - Year 12
Kempsey Adventist School
Kempsey Adventist School (KAS) is a co-educational school, owned and operated by Seventh-day Adventist Schools (NNSW) Ltd, a member of Adventist Schools Australia (ASA).
Pre-Kindy - Year 12
Macquarie College
As a College, we value people, growth and fun, believing that it takes a continually evolving environment and a commitment to the learning journey of each student to produce future leaders.
Early Learning Centre + Preschool - Year 12
Manning Adventist Bush School
Manning Adventist Bush School is a caring learning community, committed to developing personal excellence through academics, leading students into a personal relationship with Jesus.
Pre-Kindy - Year 6
Port Macquarie Adventist School
A welcoming Christ-centred school community, collectively expressed through mutual trust and respect, nurture and a sense of belonging, where every member has the opportunity to experience a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pre-Kindy - Year 9
(Year 10 commencing 2024)
The Heights Learning Community
The Heights Learning Community provides our children with meaningful and holistic educational experiences, grounded with a faith in God and a love for humanity. Our children flourish with an understanding of who they are and who they can be.
Pre-Kindy - Year 2
Toronto Adventist School
Toronto Adventist School is a co-educational Seventh-day Adventist Private School for Pre-Kindy to Year 6.Toronto Adventist School is situated in a beautiful bushland setting on the outskirts of Toronto.
Pre-Kindy - Year 6
Tweed Valley Adventist College
Tweed Valley Adventist College (TVAC) offers an ‘all round’ education, which develops the whole person – academic, physical, social and spiritual.
Pre-Kindy - Year 12
The Bridge
The NNSW Adventist Schools Company, and its schools, see themselves as bridges: as connection points to community. Connecting those that know, with those who do not know, Christ. Connecting the school journey with aspirational and over the horizon learning.