NNSW Adventist Education

Manning Adventist Bush School

Nurture for Today, Learning for Tomorrow, Character for Eternity

Christian education is more than simply teaching biblical studies in the classroom. It is the constant modelling, teaching and reinforcing of the Christian lifestyle that effectively shapes our lives. 

The Bridge

NNSW early learning centres and schools daily act as ‘bridges’, connecting communities to Christ, one heart at a time.

On this page you will find stored stories of impact, of connection and of BRIDGE building. Stories of celebration, stories of overcoming challenge, of embracing opportunity and of developing minds and connecting hearts: these are our stories of what being the BRIDGE looks like.

Early Learning

Manning Adventist Bush School

Our MAS Pre-Kindy is an Early Entry to Kindergarten (EEK) program. It is a unique school readiness course for children 4 years and older. It has been designed to gently bridge the gap between a child’s prior-school experience (e.g. pre-school, long-day care, family day care, at home with parent or carer) and the more formal educational experience of school.

Children who’ve attended a preschool, day care or have been at home with their parent or carer will benefit from this differentiated early childhood education program.

Primary Learning

Manning Adventist Bush School

Primary school is where the journey begins; the start of thirteen years of formalised education. Because learning begins the day a child is born, by the time they arrive at school they already have a wealth of knowledge and understandings in place.

Our primary education program at Manning Adventist Bush School builds on this knowledge base and assists students to establish connections between what they know and experience and what they will discover in the classroom.

Manning Adventist Bush School

Our Mission is to provide a caring, nurturing environment where students are educated for a life of service to both God and the community. An holistic education that includes the academic, spiritual, social and emotional development of each child.

Manning Adventist Bush School

Our Mission is to provide a caring, nurturing environment where students are educated for a life of service to both God and the community. An holistic education that includes the academic, spiritual, social and emotional development of each child.